Monthly Archives: February 2021

Join us Friday March 5th at 6:30 pm and Saturday March 6th from 9am to 3pm for The Art of Marriage, a video based series on marriage designed to get to the heart of God’s design for marriage.
Watch a trailer for this video series by clicking here.
Childcare is provided for children under 10 years of age, please note number of children and ages on the registration form below.
There are 2 options for your payment. Please pay $10 for the registration and add $12.99 if you want the second book so you each have one.
You can pay online by clicking here and choosing The Art of Marriage Registration from the dropdown box that says To: the default is to our General Fund so be sure to select The Art of Marriage. We also ask that you please check the box to cover fee’s to cover the cost of using a credit card or debit card.
The other option is to mail a check to us at:
Cornerstone Baptist Church
7274 State Highway 10
Ames, NY 13317